Man, you guys! The response to my little One Hour Drawing offer has been pretty great, I think I've sold a little over 30 of them, with 22 up so far in this Flickr set. If you've bought one and haven't received it yet, thanks for your patience! I'm squeezing them in between lettering Casanova and working on illustration projects, and occasionally sleeping. SPEAKING of illustration projects, if you're an art director or are chummy with one, I would humbly point out that most of these drawings are essentially spot illos--I feel like they'd look quite nice in your magazine or on your blog or in your fancy iPad magazine/blog hybrid. As long as you are paying money, they will look nice, I assure you. If you're on Tumblr, they probably look best there, but there's always the Flickr set that collects the whole group of them. SPEAKING of being broke, you may have noticed my DIARY comics have been slowing down in frequency a little, which is a side effect of having to scramble to make ends meet. I'm behind on a lot of projects, but no project moreso than that one. The good news is that there are only a few more before I'm done with it as a regular feature. After that point I'll do them once in a while, but they just take too much time, and I've done what I can in that format. Time to flex my chops a little bit, and draw something that doesn't look like I scribbled it out before coffee, which is pretty much what I do. So! To the future! But for now: (back) to the drawing board! BUT FIRST, because I love you, another one of the drawings I originally posted on Tumblr. I think this one's my favorite, but I'm biased maybe. I do know that apparently castles are the most fun things to draw ever.

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