COMMISSION :: Bird Dudes

approximately 7" x 8.5" | ink and inkwash on bristol This was a commission for my bro Phillip Duncan, who runs the site Superheroes-R-Us, and is a crack designer and coder. He's the guy who tweaked this site to my many bizarrely detailed preferences, in the meantime adding a bunch of little tweaks and perks that he created along the way. If you're someone looking to customize an existing Wordpress install, or just create something out of whole cloth, I would highly recommend Phillip's work and professionalism, and I'm not someone who gives recommendations lightly! Phillip asked me to draw something with a lot of bird-themed guys in it, which was more fun than I expected. Except the drawing of all those wings, good gravy.

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Content © 2024 by Dustin Harbin | Site design by Harbin and implemented by adult